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All About The Parable Of The Ten Virgins​

What dose the parable of the 10 virgins teach us?​

The parable of the ten virgins is a beautiful poetic story filled with love, determination, preparation, and tragedy all in one. When Yahusha spoke about the parable of the ten virgins, he was speaking to his disciples at the Mount Of Olives. They were asking Yahusha what the coming back would be like. Yahusha mentioned many comparisons, and The Ten Virgins was one of them.

So in the beginning of the parable we start out with ten maidens who are sleeping and slumbering, and they are Virgins. Them being virgins just simply means they are pure and undefiled, this represents the body of Christ. The body of Christ are covered by Yahusha and this is what makes them pure. When all ten of the maidens are sleeping this represents them waiting for the call. When a call is made “behold the bridegroom cometh! go ye out to meet him.” The ten maidens arose and trim their lamps, only five took extra oil with them. After being on the path going to the bridegroom, the darkness began to enclose around them. The five maidens that did not take extra oil, their lamps began to go out. The lamps that all ten maidens are holding represents their faith, the light represents the word of Yah that lights their path through the darkness of this world. Many people discuss what the extra oil represents, some say faith and some say belief and others say the Holy Spirit. But I have read from my studies that the extra oil may represent the original name of the son of Yah, which is Yahusha. The five maidens that were foolish in not taking extra oil said to the others “give us of your oil, for our lamps are going out” but the five wise maidens answered “not so; least there not be enough for us and you, but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves.” At this point the five maidens that were not prepared left the path to go and buy extra oil. They represent those who have their eyes on the world and not on Yahusha, but on parties an events more than their love for Christ. When the bridegroom came he only took the five wise woman with him into the wedding.

Afterward came the other maidens saying “Lord, lord open unto us.”

But he answered saying “Verily I say unto you, I know you not.”

Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

So the parable of the ten virgins is about being prepared and keeping watch. Yes we are going to be living our everyday lives like getting married, planning events, or celebrating. But we are always to keep Yahusha in our sights and to be ready at all times, so we to will hear his call.

The Holy Armor Of God

How To Understand The Holy Armor Of God And How To Wear It

“When I first started following The Heavenly Father, preying and seeking just like what the holy bible said. I found myself under fire from a lot of attacks, and I didn’t know what was going on! As I kept praying The Heavenly Father brought The Holy Armor to my attention. At this point I began to prey to receive the holy armor, and my surroundings began to change for the better.”

There are a lot of people who are starting to learn about The Heavenly Father and read their holy bibles, that do not know about the Holy Armor of God, or even how to wear it. The Holy Armor of Yahweh is just one of the greatest gifts that we receive when you first come to The Heavenly Father. The armor is given to all saints and new converts when they give themselves to Christ and surrender themselves to the Holy Spirit. The armor is composed of: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit, and the shoes of peace. These are the pieces of armor that The Heavenly Father gives you to protect you from the fiery darts of the devil. Throughout our lives the devil is always around us trying to knock us down, and take us out. As Yahusha, our good shepherd said “The devil only comes to still, kill, and destroy.”{John 10:10} So when you put on the armor you are reflecting Yahusha into the world, when people see you they see Yahusha.

Ephesians 6:13 (KJV) Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Prayer And The Power Of Prayer

There is this beautiful moment we have in solitude, or we may share this moment with our family and friends, or we may have this moment right before we have our delicious meals. And this moment is so special, so valuable that sometimes we just have to share it with others we don’t even know, and that moment is prayer. Prayer is something that we all could do more of, especially us who are believers and followers of Yahusha. So what is prayer? Prayer is when we concentrate and have a peaceful moment to ourselves and focus on communicating with our Heavenly Father. We are supposed to do this often but instead we let our everyday lives get in the way, and put prayer on the back burner, or we neglect it all together. Prayer would actually help us in our everyday lives. Where we communicate to our Heavenly Father and we tell him about things that are becoming to much for us, and we need our situation to change. We need to turn to our creator to help us in these situations, and that requires for us to pray. In Philippians 4:6 it reads: “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”  So when we pray we are to pray for everything and anything to our Heavenly Father and he will hear our requests, and he knows what we need before we even ask for it. But be thankful for what you already have, and believe that what you are striving for will come to pass.

Answering The Call

When the Heavenly Father calls you he calls in many ways. Sometimes he calls you by putting a deep feeling into your soul, or speaking to your spirit with a loving whisper. When we hear the call we move to action almost immediately, and for some of us we miss the call all together if we are not paying attention to his helpful nudge in our lives. The call from The Heavenly Father can make all the difference between a healing, a blessing, or a downward spiral. In the book of Exodus Moses is called to lead his people out of Egypt to the promise land. Although he complains because he is afraid of such a big task and dose not feel that he is qualified, he surrenders and answers the call The Heavenly Father has given him. And some, like Jonah the Prophet, when The Heavenly father called and asked him to “go to Nineveh and preach against its evil” instead of obeying he decided to run away from his call. Because of this rebellion Jonah the Prophet went through a series of unfortunate events. Though it might seem like a big deal and that The Lord might be interrupting our lives, he only calls to help us never to hurt us. Always answer your call from The Heavenly Father, you might be surprised of the outcome.

Surrender To The Holy Spirit

Someone told me recently what surrendering to the Holy Spirit was to them, and they told me that surrendering to the Holy Spirit was like the summer breeze. Freeing and beautiful, and goes where ever it is lead by The Heavenly Father to go. But for me surrendering to the Holy Spirit is like a trail walk, a beautiful journey that challenges you in your life and takes you through various places to a destination, and the journey is a treat. This lead me to understand that surrendering to the Holy spirit is not the same for everyone, and to me, the friend that I asked about their experience had a more pleasant experience with surrendering to the Holy Spirit than I did. My experience was a little more structured and grounded. When I heard his response to surrendering to the Holy Spirit I wanted my journey to be more like that, free and flowing. But not everyone’s experience with the Holy Spirit is going to be the same, we are all different, and the Holy Spirit knows this. So when we surrender we are to let go of taking charge or “let go of the steering wheel and get out of the drivers seat” as the saying goes. To have a more pleasant journey with the Holy Spirit we have to let the Holy Spirit guide us into all things righteous and true.

Belief and Faith That Moves Mountains

When I was a child I was told something that stuck out to me for the rest of my life and that was, “to move mountains you must have the faith of a mustard seed”. Now that I am a adult I still have trouble understanding this saying. Having the faith of a mustard seed was a parable from Yahusha himself, and it was very important to him because he did not like it when people only had little belief and faith. When Yahusha and his disciples were teaching the word to those who had a desire to hear the heavenly message, there were people who needed healing from sickness and demon attacks. One in particular, a man brought his son to the Lords disciples to heal him and they could not. When the Lord heard about this he said to his disciples “you unbelieving generation, how much shall I suffer you …. oh ye have little faith”. He healed the child and the disciples asked why they could not heal the child. Yahusha answered them saying “This healing requires prayer and fasting”. This might lead you to believe this healing is about prayer and fasting but the Lords frustration was about their little belief and faith.  Yahusha emphasized about belief and faith with another lady who suffered from constant bleeding. Yahusha was passing by a lady and he had a crowed of people around him. This lady suffered greatly from constantly bleeding for several years and she was deemed unclean, and in those days you could not touch unclean people and you had to stay away from them. She had such a desire to be healed that she ran through the crowed, because she believed that if she could just touch his robe she would be healed of her affliction. When she got to him and touched his robe the Lord stopped and asked who touched me, because he felt power leave him. The lady spoke up and said “Lord it was me”. When the Lord spoke to her he said “daughter your faith has made you whole”. This took a tremendous amount of faith to do this because she was risking being stoned. As you can see Yahusha has been trying to tell us that having just a little faith is not going to cut it, but a lot of faith and belief in our Lord Yahusha is what is going to move those mountains.

Reading Your Bible is Empowering

I have a question for you, When was the last time you read your bible?, or When do you plan on reading your bible?. Okay, I have another question, When was the last time you watch your TV shows? How about one more question, When was the last time you scrolled on social media? Think about these questions and ask yourself, which media do you take in more, entertainment or the Holy Bible. I ask myself these questions and when I found myself watching more TV than being in my Bible I new it was time to make a change. You know reading your Bible is not about checking off your list, or filling out a Holy quota. Its about taking in the substance that will change your life forever. When you dive into the Bible and really get into the word, you will start to see everything in a different light. Its as if the word shines a light on all the dark places and gives you a new understanding about yourself, your connection with others, and most importantly your connection with The Heavenly Father. And you just cant read the word by yourself and expect to understand it, you have to be guided by the Holy Spirit. As I have said before the Holy Spirit is the Lords spirit and he is the author of the Bible. So you would need the author to guide and reveal the hidden secrets in the word so you can better understand and enjoy what you are taking in.  The Heavenly Fathers word is not only secrets to be revealed, but also nourishment for the mind, body, and soul. Yahusha mentioned several times that he is the word of The Heavenly Father, and that he is the truth, the way, and the life. And if we want to get to The Heavenly Father we have to receive the truth and substance of the word. So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

The Spiritual Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Imagine you entering into your room and seeing on your bed, just waiting for you, a beautifully wrapped gift. And it’s the most beautiful gift you have ever seen! This gift has the most incredible golden wrapper that shines of golden sparkles that are so perfect the sparkles seem to move across the wrapper and shine. The brightly colored red ribbon hand tied into the most perfect bow, and hanging from the side of the gift there’s a tag. You go to read the tag and where it says To: it has your name on it. You gasp for excitement! Then you read where the tag says From: and it says from your loving Heavenly Father. You almost fall out after reading that! Your hands are shaking and you go to read on the tag where it says Notes: and it says Your Spiritual Gifts, use them wisely! After reading that what would you do? How would you react or feel about being given such a beautiful gift, specially catered to you? Well that is what The Spiritual Gift of The Holy Spirit are, they are gifts that gives you special abilities in The Holy Spirit that are used for the advancement of the Church and the Heavenly Kingdom. These special gifts, just to name a few, can be The Gift of Faith where you have the ability to give someone else faith or encourage them in life. A person could be having a hard time, and even though they may know the Lord there mind may be cloudy with worry and frustration, and a person with The Gift of Faith comes along and encourages them in their walk with the Lord and give them a message that builds their Faith. Or a person with The Gift of Healing. Where if someone may fall gravely ill and a person with The Gift of Healing, heals them of their affliction and they are well again. Then there’s The Gift of Discerning of Spirits, where a person has the gift to tell a lying spirit from a truthful one, or an evil spirit from a righteous spirit. This gift is a powerful gift that gives one the ability to listen and understand what a person is really saying behind their carefully chosen words. There are way more gifts than what is named here and The Heavenly Father tell us to desire and ask for these gift. So what gift are you desiring?